Thursday, March 22, 2012

Join us for our local Red Tent Temple!

Let's Fill Up The Tent!

You've been invited into a Red Tent Temple on Sunday, March 25th at 1PM (OR come at 12 to help decorate.) 

We will sip tea, share stories, play, rest and who knows what else will bubble up in our co-created space. Go to Junie Moon’s site,  and look under her Events/Workshops tab for all the information about the gathering.  You can tell friends and let them know that we ARE gathering, and that there is a place for them to come and be seen, be heard and to get nourished.

Don't know what a Red Tent Temple is?

Well, let me take a few words from my website home page to tell you about this, because it is part of a much larger movement.

watershed (ˈwɔːtəˌʃɛd) n. 1. landmark, turning point, watershed. An event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend. 

Every once in a great while, a watershed event happens in your lifetime,
only you are not aware of it until much time has passed, and you can
view it from an historical perspective. 
The Red Tent Movie, in tandem with the Red Tent Movement,
is just such an event -
only this time...

YOU can take an active part in it and participate in making history. 
For more information or to find a Red Tent near you, click on the Movie graphic below.
 Red Tent Movie - 2012
Willow Moon Herbals is excited to endorse The Red Tent Movie!

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