It is also a time of purification, of physical and spiritual cleansing in preparation for the challenges as the new year unfolds. In ancient times, the Greeks celebrated the Lesser Eleusian Mysteries at the end of January, commemorating the return of Persephone from the Underworld to her mother, Demeter. In more agricultural Celtic communities, this was also the breeding season when ewes began to swell with new life - not unlike the earth herself will within the next six weeks. The name, Imbolc, means "in the belly" referring specifically to the pregnant sheep. Oimelc means "ewe's milk". For other Celtic peoples of northern Europe, the holiday was sacred to Brigit (who may also be one and the same as St. Brigid in the Catholic tradition): the triple goddess of poetry, inspiration, smithcraft and healing. For the Romans, it was Lupercalia (actually Feb 15) since the month of February was regarded as a time for cleansing and purification. For the Norse clans, it was the Feast of Vali, which is a solar festival celebrating the strengthening of the sun which begins to mark the end winter, and thus the survival of the communities in these northern, frosty lands. For Christians, it became Candlemas - the time when candles were blessed in the churches (note: the feast of St. Blaise on Feb 3rd and the blessing of throats with two crossed candles). For the paparazzi, it is Ground Hog Day - which is still another foreshadowing of whether spring will be "early" or still another six weeks away. A seemingly common 'thread' throughout all of the above mentioned feasts/festivals are the symbols of hope, light, warmth, lambs, fertility and emerging new life as the first spring flowers prepare to push through the snow.
What has all this to do with herbs? Consider the recurring theme above of cleansing and purification. About this time of year, when many folks are beginning to feel cabin fever from being house-bound and long for the warmer days when they can begin spring house and yard cleaning, this is the perfect time to reflect on personal cleansing, such as cleaning up one's diet from recent holiday overindulgences. Reducing sugar intake as well as carbs, and adding dark green leafy vegetables will go a long way in preparing for Spring. Cleansing teas or tonics can also help the body eliminate stored wastes and toxins from holiday overeating.
Consider this simple tea to help support the body systems while gently eliminating stored waste. Always try to use organic ingredients! These dried herbs can usually be found in your local health-food store. A part can be anything from a tablespoon to a cup - depending on how much you want to make.
1 part dandelion leaf (supports the kidneys and bladder)
1 part nettle leaf (builds the blood)
2 parts red clover (supports the lymph system)
1 part milky oats (supports the central nervous system)
2 parts hawthorn berry (nourishes the heart muscle and supports the circulatory system)
1/4 part ginger (is warming and gets the blood circulating)
Combine herbs and mix well. To make tea, use 2 teaspoons herb blend per cup of water. Steep for 5 to 7 minutes and strain. Drink up to 4 cups per day as a spring tonic. Store any unused portion in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.
Note: Any remedies or information listed on this blog are from historical references and used for teaching/educational purposes only. The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure or substitute consultation with a licensed health-care professional. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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